And "Diese Datei ist möglicherweise nicht mit den Richtlinien von Wikimedia Commons kompatibel" means "this file possibly is not compatible with the guidelines of Wikimedia Commons". Carl Lindberg ( talk) 17:46, 19 January 2009 (UTC) "Diese Datei erreicht nicht die für einen urheberrechtlichen Schutz nötige Schöpfungshöhe" means "this file is below the bar of the threshold of originality". seems like the original would be eligible in the U.S. Gun Powder Ma ( talk) 17:41, 19 January 2009 (UTC) Is that claiming PD-ineligible? I'm not sure that would be OK here then. What are the pros and cons? Gun Powder Ma ( talk) 20:01, 14 January 2009 (UTC) I am sitting here, and like to share my point of view, but nothing ever happens, I wonder. Can this diagram be transferred to Commons? The original can be found here (Faltblatt 1 & 2.pdf - takes 60s, sorry). Carl Lindberg ( talk) 07:34, 27 January 2009 (UTC) Individual image review for transfer However the same is repeated at en:Dutch copyright law and is also the basis for the is the tag usually used for that, so often there are not specific tags for every country. I'm not entirely sure why it was removed. I reinserted the Netherlands section on article 15b, which says that published government works where copyright is not expressly reserved are not protected by copyright.
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